“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage” – Anaïs Nin

Hi there! I’m so glad you’re here. This could be the start of a braver you! How much time do you spend second-guessing yourself and your decisions? What about that noisy inner critic that, while trying to keep you safe, stops you taking action…and keeps you stuck?

What would you do if you believed that you could? If you knew that you could? Think about that for a minute…Do possibilities open up for you? Do you feel freer?

My toddler knows what she wants and goes for it! How would you feel if you did the same?

It is so easy to lose sight of ourselves – there is so much noise, so many “should’s” and “must do’s”, and we create a limiting story around ourselves and what it possible for us. Have your people pleasing tendencies stopped you identifying and pursuing your dreams or self-doubt stopped you celebrating your unique magical self? We forget that we can change things that aren’t working for us, that we have a lot of power to shape our lives and make choices that make us feel fully alive. That’s where I come in…

My coaching will help you unpick your limiting beliefs and celebrate your strengths; you will get back in touch with who you really are and what you truly want, whether that be to finally write that book, give a presentation to 1000 people (Covid permitting!) or navigate a complete change of career.

You are capable of so much – you may just need reminding of that! Come on a journey with me and I will work with you to get you where you want to be.

Provide you with a safe supportive space to explore and remind yourself of who you are, articulate your dreams and create goals that focus on what you really want.

Focus you on your strengths, personal drivers and discover what truly matters to you and empower you to be braver than you have been in the past.

Help you notice limiting beliefs and assumptions and supportively challenge them.

Work with you to make decisions that feel good and achieve the outcome that is right for you!

As a result of working with me:

  • You will remember that you are more than enough and start to challenge your negative inner voice and self narrative.
  • You will be clear on what you really want.
  • Start to shift your mindset into one of growth, embrace challenge and have more fun day to day!
  • You will have increased self awareness and this knowledge will empower you in every aspect of your life and enable you to make choices that feel really good to you.
  • You will have clearly defined goals and an action plan that will help you to achieve them…and start you on the path to a more joyful meaningful life – one that is as unique as you are!

If you are interested in working with me to unleash a Braver You then please book in an initial free Discovery Call with me below

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