Hi! I’m Helen

a coach, creator and Mum and I want to work with you to understand what is holding you back from truly achieving what you want and living a life that you love!

When I was a child, I spent most of my time singing and reading. I loved writing stories and being creative and I wanted to become a singer. But because I was full of self-doubt I did the safe and sensible thing; I went to university and eventually qualified as a solicitor. Throughout university, I kept telling myself that I would eventually follow my singing dream…as soon as I had lost weight, got more experience, had more lessons, the list went on. The truth is, I wasn’t brave enough to really go for what I wanted and I didn’t actually believe I could achieve it anyway; my self-doubt grew and I looked to others to give me the answers and make decisions for me. My world and sense of freedom grew smaller.

While working as a solicitor, the nagging yet insistent feeling that the job didn’t quite fit, grew into a fully fledged personal crisis and realisation that I was wasting the one life I have doing something that made me miserable because I didn’t believe I could do anything else. I questioned everything, why I had become a solicitor, the decisions I had made… and what I actually needed from my life now. I had spent so long in a career that felt wrong, that I didn’t know who I really was anymore. I became a Mum and my sense of self evaporated further; I struggled with postnatal depression and questioned every single decision I made.

In time, I realised that to create a life that felt good to me, I needed to reflect on my personal qualities and strengths, what really matters to me and work out what I actually wanted. To learn to celebrate myself, rather than berate myself for my “weaknesses” (such as being truly abominable at domestic chores)! I started to work with who I am and discover what brings me joy both in my life and at work.

I realised that what brings me alive is connecting with people, championing them and helping them overcome problems. It also occurred to me that if I had worked with a coach, I may have understood myself better and not become a lawyer! But I am glad that I did, as my choices have led me here, where my life is starting to feel like mine again. So here I am, a recovering people pleaser, learning to trust myself again and coaching other women to do the same!

If you want to let go of self-doubt, gain confidence and silence that inner critic, do that “thing” you haven’t felt quite brave enough to do, or maybe you don’t even know what you want but you feel like a supporting role in your own life, then I would love to work with you to change that.

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it.  Because what the world needs is people who have come alive” – Harold Thurman